Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Show me your wallet?
I got this tagged from Prettylife two weeks ago. Well, my old wallets brand is Marithe Francois Girbaud and whats inside my wallet? of course my pics, IDs such as PRC licence, Deped, TIN, Health card, SIN, Financial card, money and others. And I would like to pass this tagged to my friends Teebob, Mabelle, Amy, Jennie, Lucel, Roselle, Liza, Nance, Chaliza, Brian, Rosemarie and Bless.

Christmas Holiday
Christmas is a special time of the year - a season of love and a season of giving. A time to share, to give and of course to receive a wonderful gift from beloved.

Green Questions from dNeero-ites
Plant any bearing and non bearing trees to help prevent soil erosion and other natural calamities, maintain the watershed area and to help maintain and remain the balance of nature.

Friday, December 28, 2007
Treasure Award
Wow an excellent award! imagine my blog is a treasure, ang yaman ko naman. Thanks to my friend Prettylife, you're a good treasure friend to be cherish and of course same as usual pass this treasure award to my precious friends online Carlota, Amy, Anna, Anne, Arlene, Bless, Brian, Lollie, Mabelle, Marichu, Jennie, Lucel, Ivy, Chalyza, Rosemarie, Teebob and Ladynred.

New Year's Resolution, Really?
It's time for me to focus on regular exercises to achieve and maintain a good weight, to lower my blood pressure, keeps my body healthy, nice look that can feel me better. Spend more time in blogging.

Thursday, December 27, 2007
MomsEasyChair.com Holiday Frenzy
Holiday is really fun filled with so much joy and happiness and not only for mom but for everybody.

Packaged Product Trends to Watch in 2008
Organic and fresh foods are best to everyone's health. It gives a lots of nutrients that support our body needs. A healthy foods that helps us build strong bones, gives more vitamins, produce energy, and regulates the body.

The political platform ... Non-partisan?
It is important for us to help, concern, aware and support our political platform.

Christmas / Holiday from dNeero respondents -- 10
Hello to my friends online! May all your dreams, desires in your heart and hopes in your life with your family blend together this Christmas and throughout the year 2008.

Green Is a Nice color -- So R U Green?
The importance of tree is to take care of the nature, prevent soil erosion and other natural calamities, maintain the watershed area and remain the balance of nature. How about you, did you plant trees near at home?

After Christmas - 11
By showing love, giving gifts and sharing of what you have to the needy not only for Christmas but everyday.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
All About Love
Thanks to princess lolli for this nice tag all about love and now my turn to pass this to my precious friends prettylife, mabelle, amy, bless, glorie, lucel, teebob, marichu, jennie and sis ladynred.
1.Can ex-lovers be friends?
For me yes! because I have no hurt feelings with my ex-bf before and we remain friends after the broke up.
2. Do you think its ok to date someone if ur committed already?
Of course not! mahiya naman tayo sa Lord...
3. What do u think is the biggest cause of a break up?
Mostly third party or maybe they don't have the same direction in life and love does not exist anymore.
4. Are you in love with someone at the moment?
Yes with my hubby in my life..
5. Are you missing someone at the moment?
My family of course nasa pinas pa kasi sila eh...
6. Would you die for the one you love?
Yes po..
7. Do you think love hurts?
I don't think if love can hurts, all I know love is more on happiness.
8. What’s the best thing about love?
Love is a short word but contains everything and can makes the world go round.
9.Whats the worst thing about being in love?
If theres no love everything become worst and becomes complicated
10. Will you wait for someone you love?
Hehe, I'm here waiting for the one I love
11.What song best describes your life at this moment?
Here I Am
12. Do you wanna get married?
I am happily married.
13. Have you talked to the person you love on the phone?
Yah, talk and also text everyday through cellphone and broadband
14. Is love always on your side or the opposite way?
I was born because of love and die for it..
15. Do you have a gay/lesbian/bisexual friend?
Yes, I have
16. Are you sick of love?
I'm not
17. Are you sick of questions on love?
18. What are you going to do tomorrow?
Love to go to the mall because tomorrow is boxing day here.
Right now I want to sleep na...
20. Do you think money is everything?
Money can buy everything but not in love..
21. What song are you listening right now?
I’m listening Christmas song.
22. Whats the song that u last downloaded ?
Mary's Boy Child
23. How much do you love music?
I love music sometimes only 75%
24.Have u written ur own song?
25. What’s the movie that you last watched?
Alvin and the Chipmunks
26. Do you believe in forever?
YES, i do believe in forever and ever amen..
27. What’s the last words you want to say to your bf/gf/special someone?
I love you and I miss you so much...

Monday, December 24, 2007
Jesus Was Born On Christmas Day
An angel was sent from God to visited Mary who was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. The angel said" You are highly favored because the Lord is with you, you are conceived a son and shall be called Jesus the son of the most high. Mary asked the angel" How shall this be, I have never had physical relationship with a man? The angel said" The holy spirit will come upon you and shall be called Jesus. Joseph was greatly troubled and the angel visited him also and said " Don't be afraid to take Mary as your wife, she was conceived by the power of the holy spirit and you will call his name Jesus, the one we have been waiting for to save his people from their sins.
So Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem and delivered Jesus and wrapped the baby in swadding clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn. Nearby there were shepherds in the fields and an angel of the lord stood by them and said " A savior who is Christ has been born, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased. When King Harold heard about Jesus, he sent wise men to find Jesus. To learn the exact time the star appeared, they find the child and fell down to worship Him then offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and after that they didn't came back to King Harold instead they spread the good news of the birth of Jesus.
summary from a bible story....

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas In The Mall

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Merry Christmas to all
Hi bloggers! May all the dreams in your life, desires in your heart, hopes and family times blend together to give you the most spectacular Christmas filled with peace, love and joy.

Monday, December 17, 2007
Choo-choo Train

Rachel’s Soulful Thoughts
When Silence Speaks
Dancing in Midlife Tune
Underneath it All
I am Dzoi
Hobbies and Such
moms.....check nyo
Choc Mint Girl
Amel's Realm
My Thoughts
Rusin Roundup
Juliana's Site
Rooms of My Heart
Great Pleasure
LadyJava's Lounge
Colin aka Cotojo
My Life My World
Mommy's Gibble Gabbles
Author's Sweet Life
Juliana of Pinay Wahm
Teacher's Corner
Denz Techtronics Blog
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
The Creativity Of Me

Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Christmas Magic
The Christmas season starts earlier every year
Even before thanksgiving, causing us to fear
That merchants spoil it, that it's all about selling
That nothing can save it, nothing worth the telling
But soon we realize, we love this time of year
When our mailboxes daily bring words of cheer
When friends get together, sharing delicious fare
Exchanging thoughtful gifts, chosen with care.
By: Faye Adam