Tagged from Joy, the pretty Pinaymama from Davao and live Michigan now. Thanks sis and love to pass this tag to Mymy and Wincel.

{ created by cathy, please don't delete the graphics or alter it }
2. Come back here and leave your link where you posted the story. I will add your blogs to the master list. If you have more than 1 blog you need to post the tag to your other blogs as well.
3. Passed it to people you know who makes beautiful crafts.
4. Make sure that you come back here to get the updated list of bloggers who joined the tag. This is a good way to increase our rankings on Technorati at the same time we get to read great stories.
So let's start spreading those creativity.
1. Anything and Everything in Between
2. Designs By Vhiel
3. Vhiel's Corner
4. Can of Thoughts
5. Me and My World
6. Real Expectation
7. Big Money List
8. Simple Life, Simply Me
9. The Creativity In Me